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The Art of Phonetic Pleasantry

Auvi Mukherjee

Language often transcends mere communication; it transforms into a serenade of persuasion. It's the art of adorning speech with words akin to precious jewels, celebrating expression and embellishing prose. Given below, is a guide to better understand the words that flow through the mind of a Creative Writing Major as he sips his iced mocha latte from Fuel Zone and excitedly walks into the 9 am discussion session - eager to hear the sound of his voice.

1. Serendipity

'Serendipity' isn't just a word; it's like capturing the essence of a dance performed by happy coincidences. It's that magical moment when life throws you a pleasant surprise, like discovering a hidden gem in an old bookstore or chancing upon your favorite snack when you least expect it. It's the word for the delightful randomness that paints smiles on our faces.

2. Pernicious

'Pernicious' has a certain sly charm to it. It's not your run-of-the-mill harmful; it's the trouble that slinks in under the radar. Picture a mischievous cat knocking over your plant just for kicks—it's the unexpected and devious side of harm that makes this word intriguing. It's the subtle villain in the story of language.

3. Mellifluous

'Mellifluous' isn't just a term; it's a smooth operator in the world of words. Picture a saxophone solo or a voice so smooth it's like velvet—this word captures that luxurious, flowing quality. Drop it when describing your favorite singer's voice, and you've just added a touch of class to your musical discussions.

4. Sagacious

'Sagacious' goes beyond mere intelligence; it carries the weight of wisdom akin to a wise old owl. Think Dumbledore, Yoda, or Gandalf—these are sagacious beings. When you drop this term casually, suddenly your advice feels like it's been handed down from the annals of the wisest sages.

5. Quixotic

'Quixotic' isn't just a word; it's an anthem for dreamers who reach for the stars, even if they're light-years away. It's not about wild ideas; it's about chasing epic quests, like tilting at windmills just because it feels like the right thing to do. It's the word that paints your plans with a touch of the fantastical and the daring.

6. Equanimity

'Equanimity' isn't just about keeping calm; it's the zen master move in the face of chaos. It's the mental chill zone where stress can't get a reservation. Picture yourself as the cool and collected guru who navigates through life's storms without breaking a sweat. Your friends might start seeking equanimity tips when their lives throw them unexpected curveballs.

7. Meliorism

'Meliorism' isn't just a term; it's a superhero cape for optimism. It's the belief that we can make things better, one positive move at a time. Suddenly, you're the Captain America of spreading good vibes and inspiring change. It's the word that encourages you to be the positive change agent in your crew, leading the charge towards a brighter future.

Rolling like butter off the tongue, I have personally acquired permission to leak these words from his sensitive vocabulary. Use them at your own risk; To impress your teaching fellow, boost your class participation grade, or act cool in front of your peers.

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